Monday, 31 August 2015

Understanding The Benefits Of Sukhasana And Other Yoga Postures

Yoga must not be confused with just a form of exercise or physical therapy. In India yoga holds a very auspicious place since here Yoga postures are practiced to unify mind, body and spirit. Although Yoga has proliferated through various channels into most of the western countries, there is still a misunderstanding regarding its real meaning. Many westerners consider it as a weight loss therapy or a way to keep physically fit. While that is only one small part of the package of benefits it offers. 

There are numerous Yoga postures which have their own benefits specific to various ailments and/or organs. Some Yoga Asanas are meant for physical body like sciatica, back pain, arthritis, sinus, etc. while some are practiced to bring mental and spiritual balance, treat depression, anxiety, rage issues and so on.

Among all of them, Sukhasana is meant for people who are new to it. It generally has easy Yoga Postures, in fact as a child this is the posture kids sit while they are pleased and happy. Generally this position gets difficult for people as they grow up habituated with chairs and sofas. But with a little practice you can get back to use this position. Even while not meditating or following any yoga routine, simply sitting in this posture will help soothe your mind.

The name, Sukhasana means happy posture. It is actually very easy to practice. For this you need to take two thick blankets and fold them to create a flat and thick base for you to sit on. First sit at one edge of the base with your legs stretched out ahead, then cross your shins and widen your knees, so that you can slip each foot, beneath the opposite knee. It is basically a cross-legged position where you sit keeping your back absolutely straight.

Keep in mind that the feet doesn’t touch the pelvis and after getting into the cross-legged position lift yourself a little by hanging with the support of your hands on both your sides and then slowly release yourself on the base. You may alternate the cross of your legs as well.

But you must avoid this Yoga posture in case you have recent knee injuries, hip injuries, spinal disc problems, etc. The Sukhasana Yoga Posture is one of the best position and ideal for meditation.  

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