Yoga is a way of life as it was intended to be, by the scriptures and the Vedas. Patanjali Yoga Sutras enumerate the eight fold path of Yoga as a means to achieve the ultimate bliss. Yoga essentially means united. It means united with the body, mind and the spirit and preparing oneself for the ultimate divine bliss.
In this context, the concept of Ashtanga Yoga, as enumerated by the sage Patanjali, comes in which is the eight fold path of Yoga. The eight ways are Asana, Pranayama, Yam, Niyam, Pratyahara, Dhana, Dharana and Samadhi. Samadhi being the ultimate stage which means one with the Godhead, Asana is the primary stage where one prepares the body for more health, vigour and vitality. This is surely needed for the path towards divinity. The next is Pranayama which means control of the breath.

Asanas – The route to a healthy Body and Happy mind
Asanas are the first steps that one needs to take in order to prepare oneself in the journey of God realization. This is there in our scriptures and thus Yogic Asanas are designed to get the body strengthened and get a strong enough nervous system to hold the cosmic energy.
This is the reason Yogic Asanas work miracles in eradicating the diseases of the body and making it super strong. They are often advocated the children and this makes the child more immune to diseases as well. This is also a point that needs to be understood where the difference lies between gymnasium exercises and Yoga postures and poses and what effect these will have on your body and mind. The sages of India have often said that there can be a healthy mind only in the healthy body. The coordination between health and the mind is what Yoga and the asanas bring in an individual establishing a harmony. Thus, it does not only make your body healthy but adds happiness to your lives as well.
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