Monday, 31 August 2015

Understanding The Benefits Of Sukhasana And Other Yoga Postures

Yoga must not be confused with just a form of exercise or physical therapy. In India yoga holds a very auspicious place since here Yoga postures are practiced to unify mind, body and spirit. Although Yoga has proliferated through various channels into most of the western countries, there is still a misunderstanding regarding its real meaning. Many westerners consider it as a weight loss therapy or a way to keep physically fit. While that is only one small part of the package of benefits it offers. 

There are numerous Yoga postures which have their own benefits specific to various ailments and/or organs. Some Yoga Asanas are meant for physical body like sciatica, back pain, arthritis, sinus, etc. while some are practiced to bring mental and spiritual balance, treat depression, anxiety, rage issues and so on.

Among all of them, Sukhasana is meant for people who are new to it. It generally has easy Yoga Postures, in fact as a child this is the posture kids sit while they are pleased and happy. Generally this position gets difficult for people as they grow up habituated with chairs and sofas. But with a little practice you can get back to use this position. Even while not meditating or following any yoga routine, simply sitting in this posture will help soothe your mind.

The name, Sukhasana means happy posture. It is actually very easy to practice. For this you need to take two thick blankets and fold them to create a flat and thick base for you to sit on. First sit at one edge of the base with your legs stretched out ahead, then cross your shins and widen your knees, so that you can slip each foot, beneath the opposite knee. It is basically a cross-legged position where you sit keeping your back absolutely straight.

Keep in mind that the feet doesn’t touch the pelvis and after getting into the cross-legged position lift yourself a little by hanging with the support of your hands on both your sides and then slowly release yourself on the base. You may alternate the cross of your legs as well.

But you must avoid this Yoga posture in case you have recent knee injuries, hip injuries, spinal disc problems, etc. The Sukhasana Yoga Posture is one of the best position and ideal for meditation.  

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Asana – The First Step Of Eight Fold Path Of Ashtanga Yoga

Yoga is a way of life as it was intended to be, by the scriptures and the Vedas. Patanjali Yoga Sutras enumerate the eight fold path of Yoga as a means to achieve the ultimate bliss. Yoga essentially means united. It means united with the body, mind and the spirit and preparing oneself for the ultimate divine bliss.

In this context, the concept of Ashtanga Yoga, as enumerated by the sage Patanjali, comes in which is the eight fold path of Yoga. The eight ways are Asana, Pranayama, Yam, Niyam, Pratyahara, Dhana, Dharana and Samadhi. Samadhi being the ultimate stage which means one with the Godhead, Asana is the primary stage where one prepares the body for more health, vigour and vitality. This is surely needed for the path towards divinity. The next is Pranayama which means control of the breath.

The third step is Yam which means self-control and the next is Niyam which refers to mental and physical discipline. The next or the fifth one is Pratyahara which means renunciation from sense pleasures and the one after it is Dhana which is meditation. This is followed by Dharana which refers to concentration on the Godhead which is a chakra in the body between the foreheads to conceptualize Godhead. This is followed by the last step of the eight fold path of Yoga as enumerated by Patanjali which is Samadhi and it refers to oneness with God.There are ample ashtanga Yoga videos available on the internet for you to see and learn the techniques where different Yogis talk about the path of ashtanga Yoga.

Asanas – The route to a healthy Body and Happy mind

Asanas are the first steps that one needs to take in order to prepare oneself in the journey of God realization. This is there in our scriptures and thus Yogic Asanas are designed to get the body strengthened and get a strong enough nervous system to hold the cosmic energy.

This is the reason Yogic Asanas work miracles in eradicating the diseases of the body and making it super strong. They are often advocated the children and this makes the child more immune to diseases as well. This is also a point that needs to be understood where the difference lies between gymnasium exercises and Yoga postures and poses and what effect these will have on your body and mind. The sages of India have often said that there can be a healthy mind only in the healthy body. The coordination between health and the mind is what Yoga and the asanas bring in an individual establishing a harmony. Thus, it does not only make your body healthy but adds happiness to your lives as well.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Yoga For Power – Power Yoga

Yoga is the ancient Indian method of uniting with the supreme energy. The word “Yoga” also is referred to as united or union. If the question arises “union with what?” the answer is bringing harmony of the body mind and soul and getting united with the divine. This was the motto of yoga as it was invented by the sages of India and as has been recited in the Vedas and Patanjali Yoga Sutras. Let alone the history of Yoga which is as old as humanity itself, the relevance of Yoga today has occurred due to the multiplicity of stresses and different diseases arising out of it.

Yoga is not only asana or exercises but a philosophy of life attuning oneself with the nature and making the body more susceptible to receive the divinity in blood and flesh but it can be also used to become fit and healthy. Nowadays the focus is on different aspect and Yoga is used to harmonize the coordination of the body, mind and soul in the right way to garner more energy, bring more fitness and pump in more vigor to your lives.

In this respect, power Yoga has taken a predominant role in shaping the lives of many. This has been modeled with the traditional asanas and Yogic exercises as in the Vedic literature to give the effects of Yoga to the practitioners. Power Yoga had been infused by few of the yoga aspirants and exponents of the West just to make it more thrilling and invigorating. Power Yoga has the benefits of practicing Yogic asanas as it strengthens the internal organs and at the same time it gives you the thrill of exercising in the gymnasium or free hand exercises. This blending of physical exercise and yogic postures creates a thrill and gives the practitioners the extra energy invigorating your internal organs and energizing the muscles and the musculoskeletal system as well.

One needs to attend Yoga classes for practicing such things and getting the right effects on the body and the mind. Of course, it need not be mentioned that there are numerous power Yoga videos on the internet that gives you an idea of how the exercises and postures will be. But as Yoga is an ancient science there is a need of a teacher who will understand your conditions of the body and prescribe the power Yoga techniques and postures that would give you the best results quickly.

But the practitioners of the power Yoga say that once one practices it on a regular basis it should rock you after a session. If it doesn’t there must be something wrong somewhere. Nevertheless, there are many places where power Yoga is taught in Bengaluru. The best thing to do is to get the coaching of a monk or a real Yoga teacher or practitioner who will take you through the whole ordeal transforming your body totally and pumping it with vigor and energy in a very short time.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

About Swami Vachanananda and Shwaasa

At the age of 17 Swami Sri Vachananand attained sanyasi in the Lingayat tradition situated in the Karnataka district and he has been doing many yoga camps, giving lectures in all across the country and in the world. He is thorough practitioner of Yoga. He not only practices Yoga but also teaches people how to perfect Yoga by doing it correctly.
He was born in a religious family in north Karnataka, before him his parents had three girls. Before his birth they went to see a Lingayat guru who told them that they would have a baby boy, however he would be a sadhu or yogi and would repudiate family life. At the point when the mother was pregnant, the guruji gave "garbha-diksha" and told the mother that all through the pregnancy she had to chant this mantra.

The child Vachananand was taught in various Lingayat schools and ashrams and given sanyasa after he completed school and became swami Vachananand. He is a brilliant individual, a true Yogi and every bit of second thinks to help people who are in need. He wants everyone to do Yoga and make their life fruitful by helping each other. He teaches Yoga and his philosophy in Hindi, English and Kannada.

As Govt  of India is also trying to make Yoga a compulsory subject in schools and colleges and people are more concerned about their health  and fitness, Yoga gurus such as Baba Ramdev, Swami Vachananand, swami Iyengar and many more conducts Yoga camps across the country.  Swami Vachanananda conducted a long Yoga camp in Bangalore on International Yoga Day which happened on June 21 2015 where thousands of people gathered and learned Yoga from swami. Many celebrities also attended that Yoga camp. Swamiji conducts Yoga classes in his organization Shwaasa which is situated in Boopasandra, Bangalore. He gives training to people who are passionate to do Yoga and teach people in Yoga teachers training program in Bangalore and provides them certification from his organization.