Saturday, 9 April 2016

Keep Cool In Summer By Practicing Yoga And Other Techniques

Summer is a time of change as there is scorching heat mostly in the subcontinent of India. So the yogi gives few of the tips to keep cool this summer with proper yoga and meditation techniques. Summer takes away the extra energy by way of perspiration so the yogi prescribes the steps to keep the body cool and hydrated. Summer essentially means different things to different people. But one of the facts which is all the while true is the heat of the summer. Beat the heat with proper yoga, pranayama and meditation techniques. 

Cool Your Body Through Pranayama

The busy schedule in summer may be more distressing and may call for more drainage of energy and make you perspire more. The yogi prescribes the Sheetali Pranayama for cooling the body temperature down.
The procedure for Sheetali Pranayama is to stick the tongue out by curling the sides of the tongue upwards towards the centre of it. Then the breathing should start through the mouth and the breath should be held for few moments and then the breath should be exhaled through the nose. 
Repeat these steps five to ten times at one time and you will be feeling much cooler.

Drink More Water

Summer is a time of more dehydration. That is the reason why you should drink more water. The reason is body has 70 percent water and during perspiration this water content of the body gets drained. The yogi advises to include the Sheetkari Pranayama in the routine. 

Sheetkari Pranayama to control thirst

Summer makes one to become thirsty a lot and thus Sheetkari Pranayama can help a lot in controlling your thirst. This is how you can try to do it. But one has to keep in mind that Sheetkari Pranayama is not a substitute for drinking water. The best thing to do is to drink lots of water but in case if you feel too dehydrated you can try this.

Close your right nostrils with the help of your right thumb and start exhaling completely through your left nostrils and start breathing through your left nostril. The next time you should close your left nostril with the little ring finger of yours and start exhaling through the right nostrils. Repeat the procedure for five to ten times. People who had been doing this have said that this reduces the urge to feel thirsty and keeps the body cool but it is not a substitute for drinking water. 

Calm the nerves

It is often noted that in a hot whether the chances of losing temper, impatience and getting more tired is always more. This is where cooling of the nerves are important. This can be done through the Chandravedi steps. This is a breathing or pranayama technique which has a cooling effect on the nervous system and the subtle energy channels of the body known as nadis

How to do it? 

First of all clench the teeth keeping the tongue pressed against the teeth but keep your mouth open. In that condition keep breathing in. Then close your mouth and start breathing out in normal pace through the nostrils. This should be repeated five to ten times inhaling the breath from the left and exhaling the breath from your right nostrils. After this take rest in Shavasana.This is sure to refresh and relax you to a great degree.