Bikram Yoga comes in shades of good, bad and ugly depending on the person trying, leaving and never daring it
Bikram Yoga or the “Hot Yoga” is not everybody’s cup of tea as this Yoga carries a mixed bag of reactions. Some benefit immensely from this Yoga and spread a good word about it while others have suffered health issues from it.
Bikram Yoga is generally conducted in a heated room of 40° C for a period of 90 minutes and it includes 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises. This Yoga especially has been in controversy for a while now for its effect on people. A word of caution is that this Yoga has to be done under the guidance of a certified instructor for better results and safety issues. Bikram Yoga has been named after the founder Bikram Choudhury.
The individuals who are doing Hot Yoga regularly have gained good health benefits and happiness. Even though it is a rigorous exercise causing a lot of perspiration, people do feel a lot more relaxed after doing it. It’s also considered a good form of exercise for people who want to lose weight, a little quicker.
While working this Yoga out, it is better for people to do it a little slowly and safely, as it is done at high room temperature. This Yoga doesn’t take much time to increase the heart rate and make the body work harder and lose weight a little faster. But, people doing this Yoga are advised to take a lot of water throughout the day to keep their body hydrated.

Some other points to bear in mind before one jumps on to that Yoga mat is that people with cardiovascular problems are advised to consult their physician before they kick start these sessions. Pregnant women are advised against the practice of this Yoga and people with low BP are recommended to go slow and easy on it.
Bikram Yoga has shades of good and bad to it, depending on the people who dare to try it out and for the rest it’s just Yoga on prints or in contemplation.